[Latest release version]
◇μ-EXCEL new series "motor characteristic version" released!◇
"Μ-Excel motor characteristic version" is a handy motor design tool. Calculate the static characteristics of the motor: torque-rotation speed/current curve, torque-output/efficiency curve. You can easily create a motor model using a model template, calculate the torque constant from the calculation results of the finite element method, and output the characteristic curve. Why not consider using the low-priced “μ-EXCEL subscription service monthly fee of ¥9,800”!
【For customers who are newly considering motor design】
- It seems difficult to use existing software
- Creating a motor model is tedious
- I think calculation by the finite element method is necessary
- Introducing existing software has high price hurdles
- I want you to consult
【For those who want the μ-EXCEL motor characteristic version!】【Delivery video】
- You can calculate by familiar Excel operation
- Model templates make it easy to create motor models
- Accurately calculate magnetic field distribution by magnetic field analysis of finite element method
- Subscription service Available for ¥9,800/month
- We will back up in cooperation with a motor design professional.
We support your own motor development!
"Motor characteristic version" Motor design tool
- Motor model creation by model template
- Nonlinear static magnetic field analysis by finite element method
- Magnetic field distribution result/animation output
- Torque constant waveform calculation
- Static characteristic T-N/I curve, output/efficiency curve, cogging/torque ripple calculation
- Easy operation with EXCEL macro. Input / output data is also stored in the sheet and data processing is also freely available.
- It is full-featured equipment of all-in-one. Modelers, meshes, solvers, viewers required for finite element analysis are implemented.
- Macros are devised for each theme. Easy condition setting, results can be obtained in a few minutes.
- It is a two-dimensional or axisymmetric finite element method. DXF import function, material database function, customization is also possible.

"Electromagnetic force plate" actuator - coil and magnet design for attraction force control
- Calculation of electromagnetic force and torque of the magnetic body of interest
- Magnetic field distribution, magnetic force line output
- DC excitation by magnets and coils
- Nonlinearity / magnetic saturation of magnetic material
- Plunger position variable

"Inductive heating plate" for induction heating / quenching coil temperature analysis and circuit design
- High frequency eddy current analysis of heating coil
- Continuous unsteady temperature analysis
- Temperature, heat generation, magnetic field distribution, magnetic field lines
- Transmission boundary, radiation boundary, material temperature dependence, magnetic material nonlinearity
- Impedance calculation, resonance circuit design

"Thermal conduction plate" For the unsteady temperature distribution analysis of the heating / cooling mechanism
- Unsteady temperature analysis
- Temperature / heat flow velocity distribution
- Designation of heating element, cooling pipe
- Consideration of contact heat transfer coefficient between materials
- Transmission boundary, radiation boundary, material temperature dependence (under development)

"Electric field plate" around the electrode, electric field distribution analysis by charge
- Electrostatic field analysis
- Electric field, potential distribution, electric field vector calculation
- Set the relative permittivity of the composite dielectric and the potential of the electrode
- Dielectric constant anisotropy consideration
- Charge density can be set

"Magnetically-torqueed version" Seamlessly magnetize magnetization and torque analysis for motors
- Magnetization analysis of magnetizer model
- Magnetization distribution, magnetization direction, surface magnetic flux calculation
- Torque Analysis of Motor Model
- Automatic delivery of magnetization information, rotor rotation function
- Rotation angle vs Torque curve calculation
- Improved meshing algorithm example 1 example 2

"Static magnetic field plate" for magnet sputtering device and magnetic shield device
- Spatial magnetic field, calculation of magnetic field in magnetic body
- Magnetic field distribution, magnetic force line, magnetic field vector output
- DC excitation by magnets and coils
- Nonlinearity / magnetic saturation of magnetic material

"Eddy current version" This is the basic version of eddy current analysis
- High frequency eddy current analysis by heating coil
- Consider magnetic substance nonlinearity and saturation
- Set the heating coil frequency
- Heat generation, magnetic field distribution, magnetic force line output


"Orbit calculation version" For electron gun and ion beam analysis
- Electric field analysis · Magnetic field analysis, Behavior analysis of ion beam in electric and magnetic fields
- Start of orbit calculation at charged particle mass, charge number, initial coordinate, initial velocity
- Electric field, potential distribution, magnetic field, magnetic force line, orbit diagram calculation
- Repulsive action for multiple charged particles

"Static current plate" Current flow in liquid, current flow in conductor · semiconductor bulk
- Current flow analysis in conductive material
- Electric field, potential distribution, electric field, current vector calculation
- Set conductivity, set electrode potential

"Mold cooling plate" Unsteady temperature analysis dedicated to press dies
- For cooling circuit design with mold of press parts
- Initial temperature of press parts, position of mold side cooling pipe, number of pieces, setting of heat absorption amount
- Repeated unsteady temperature calculation of cooling process after pressing and insertion of new press parts
- Heat transfer coefficient can be set by press pressure
- Display of temperature change

Two-dimensional magnetic field distribution analysis of "MRI version" MRI shielded room
- Special package for architectural, design and construction company
- Selection of 1.5 T, 3 T of MRI coil
- Only the setting of the outline of the room and the number of shield materials
- Meshing> Calculation> Result display to one calculation button
- Display 5 Gauss line

"Dielectric stress plate" Calculate stress distribution working inside dielectric
- Electrostatic field analysis, stress distribution analysis
- Electric field, potential distribution, electric field vector, stress vector calculation
- Set the relative permittivity of the composite dielectric and the potential of the electrode

Characteristic analysis of "induction machine plate" induction motor
- Analysis of speed (slip) characteristics of induction machine
- Star / delta connection designation function
- Output of equivalent circuit parameters
- Maximum magnetic flux density, flux line output

"Structural analysis version" structural analysis is more familiar with Excel
- Elastic stress analysis (planar strain / plane stress / axial symmetry)
- Output of stress vector, stress contour line, strain contour line
- Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, linear expansion coefficient, density setting
- Distribution force, displacement, heat, acceleration load setting

"Fluid analysis version" Fluid analysis also becomes more familiar with Excel
- Incompressible viscous fluid (nonstationary finite element method)
- Flow Velocity Vector, Flow Contour Contour for Each Time, Output of Pressure Contour
- Reynolds number specification
- Specify time step, time step

"Wiring Electrothermal Plate" for wiring heat generation of printed circuit board
- Joule thermal unsteady temperature analysis of printed wiring
- Output current density and temperature distribution at specified time
- Designation of lead wire, heating wire, electrode
- Fitting by heating factor


"Electromagnetic wave version (under development)" 2-dimensional electromagnetic wave analysis
- Analysis of TM wave, TE wave electromagnetic wave propagation by FDTD method
