Software Introduction Seminar
Feature | In this seminar, we will introduce the following software. · Simple analysis with Excel / μ-EXCEL · Three-dimensional finite element method analysis / μ-MF · Iron loss evaluation tool considering vector magnetic properties / μ-E & S This seminar is limited to one company, and in the second half we will exchange information on themes specific to the customer. There will be plenty of time for questions. You will be able to fully understand. In principle, this will be a web seminar, but if you would like to meet in person, please let us know. |
Contents | μ - EXCEL, μ - MF, μ - E & S, other introductions. One company is limited, and the second half will be explained with the theme according to your request. |
Schedule |
The 24th meeting 2025/03/12 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Closed The 25th meeting 2025/03/26 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Closed The 1th meeting 2025/04/09 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 2th meeting 2025/04/23 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 3th meeting 2025/05/07 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 4th meeting 2025/05/21 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 5th meeting 2025/06/04 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 6th meeting 2025/06/18 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 7th meeting 2025/07/02 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 8th meeting 2025/07/16 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 9th meeting 2025/07/30 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 10th meeting 2025/08/13 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 11th meeting 2025/08/27 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 12th meeting 2025/09/10 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 13th meeting 2025/09/24 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 14th meeting 2025/10/08 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 15th meeting 2025/10/22 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 16th meeting 2025/11/05 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 17th meeting 2025/11/19 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 18th meeting 2025/12/03 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 19th meeting 2025/12/17 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 20th meeting 2026/01/14 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 21th meeting 2026/01/28 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 22th meeting 2026/02/25 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 23th meeting 2026/03/11 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving The 24th meeting 2026/03/25 (Wednesday) 13:30~16:00 : Receiving ※ The number of seminars is one. It will be closed as soon as it becomes capacity. |
How to apply | Please apply by email Application mail address : |
Contact Us | TEL : 042-645-5759 Email : |